SHANGHAI - F1 Grand Prix

Flying to the other side of the world this time! The structure used for the stand of the Heineken Fun Zone, entirely made by Pielle, will appear in CHINA, in one of the most fascinating circuits in the world!

For its extreme functionality and above all MODULARITY, we have shipped all the structure to customized containers, already prepared to facilitate the set up once at destination, optimizing timing.

Our specialized team will leave from Italy to arrive in conjunction with the material and it will begin to collaborate with local operators to be able to rebuild the impactful Heineken fun area.

In order to guarantee the delivery of the structure within the required time, to guarantee a necessary level of safety during the preparation and development of the event, to be able to be fully operational on site, in the preventive phase we have also dealt with the recovery of the DOCUMENTATION and the PERMITS necessary with national and international entities.